Welcome to FFF
Join FFF, the oldest, biggest, and probably best fencing club in Sweden!

Our vision is to make our club the best fencing club in Scandinavia while our members can enjoy themselves in a safe an nurturing environment
One for all, all for one
How far you want to go and the level in which you want to compete is your own choice, but we want to give you the very best conditions to achieve your full potential.

About FFF
The oldest fencing club in Sweden
Föreningen för Fäktkonstens Främjande (in EnglishThe Society for the Promotion of the Art of Fencing) was founded in Stockholm in 1901 and is Sweden’s oldest fencing club. Today, the club has more than 400 members of all age groups and is one of Sweden’s largest and most successful clubs of all time with Olympic, World, Nordic, Swedish, Irish and Israeli champions.
Everyone is welcome
We not only develop fencers to be successful competitive international fencers but we also strive to have a broad spectrum of different levels of experience and ages with active members between 9 and 85 years of age.
What we do
The club primarily fences epee, but we also have groups that fence saber and foil. Today, we invest a lot of our time in our youth activities with the goal of developing competitive fencers as well as members with a lifelong interest in fencing and sports. Our goal is to have an environment where through fencing our members to enjoy physical activities and develop their character.
International Environment
FFF has a number of fencers with international experience from fencing or coaching at International competitions. Natalia and Grigori Beskin are employed full-time by the club with our trainers who coach part-time. More about our coaches can be found here.
Gym in Central Stockholm
Our gym is located in central Stockholm with access to public transportations such as busses and subway. Find your nearest rout on SL.
Address: Döbelnsgatan 60, 113 52 Stockholm
Start Fencing
Try Fencing
At the beginning of every term we have free tryouts for fencing for youth and adults at our club on Döbelnsgatan 60. Fencing material will be provided but you will to come with light soled shoes and long track pants. You can email your interest here: anmalan@fff-faktning.se We try to arrange it so that different age groups train with each other
More info on tryouts can be found here.
You will learn the basics of fencing, how to hit and defend against opponents and develop your speed, coordination and fitness. For the course, you need long track pants and light-soled training shoes. We lend out other equipment in the first semester. Registration for the beginner’s course is binding. All registrations are confirmed via email. Beginner courses start in the second week of September and in January. The club has a system by which beginners progress to different groups with each term
We invest heavily in elite training for both juniors and seniors. At FFF, a number of the Swedish national team also train.
Fencing for Fun
This is the group for you who are over 16 years old and do not want to invest in fencing at an elite level. The group consists of fencers at many different levels. Everything from elite fencers who have lowered their ambition level to fencers who “just” think fencing is the most fun there is.
FFF has an active veterans group. This includes older fencers keen to continue, partly active pensioners (b60+) who want to try out or take up fencing again. Information can be obtained through Ulf Lewin, ulf@lewin.nu,
076-760 26 00.
Semester fees
Youth (9-14 years)…………SEK 1,750.
Junior (15-19 years)………SEK 2,000.
Student …………………………..SEK 2,000.
Senior (20 and older)…….SEK 2,300.
Locker………………………………SEK 300.
Annual fee
Membership…………… SEK 350.
Bank details
The fee is paid before the start of the term to Bankgiro: 5291-3951.
IBAN: SE20 8000 0832 7990 3536 7227
Mark the payment with the member’s name, semester and group or course day, e.g. HT2023 Thursday.
SvFF’s sports insurance is taken out via Folksam and covers all members of FFF. Participants in “try outs” are also covered by the insurance. The insurance covers accidental damage that occurs during training, competition and camps (also abroad and during travel to/from the activity) arranged by SvFF or by FFF. However, the insurance is not comprehensive. Read more on the Swedish Fencing Association’s website fencing.se.